Peixuan's Project Portfolio Page
Project: SalesPUNCH
SalesPunch is a lightweight alternative Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, inspired by the conventional CRM software, such as SalesForce, but uses a CLI-based user interface instead of a GUI, aimed towards enhancing efficiency for fast typists.
Summary of contributions
Code contributed: RepoSense link
New Features Implemented
- Transactions Feature: Add / Delete / Edit / List transaction records
- What it does: Provides a modifiable list of transaction records. A transaction record contains the following information: description, value status and owner of the transaction. The user can add a transaction record providing the four fields, delete an existing transaction record with its index in the transaction list, edit any of the four fields of a transaction record and view all transaction records in a list.
- Justification: A salesperson conducts business with contacts and facilitate multiple transactions, it would be beneficial for him or her to document transaction particulars and associate them with their respective contacts.
- Highlights: Implementation of transaction-contact relationship. Transaction records added must be linked to an existing contact in the contact list.
- User Guide:
- Developer Guide:
Community & Team
- PRs reviewed: (examples: #149, #180)
- Involved in internal product testing and report bugs: Issues Link